He's like, what? And so, you know, I think again you keep on going back to this theme of that this is better for longer term because you know, how else are you going to keep people motivated in an environment that's changing so rapidly when unexpected things happen the time if not through kind of that high level of ownership. And you see this in product teams all the time, right? We didn't just say, you know, build bridges, break walls and then not back it up by anything. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. GO FIGURE is a podcast dedicated to expose the inner workings of ambitious tech companies in the emerging world. And what's the difference between thought leadership and just being really good at execution? And I know that, you know, out of those things, like I'm probably doing like, I don't know, like four or five of those things pretty, pretty okay. I think actually these two parts or these two themes actually almost go hand in hand in that sense. That does not necessarily mean like for the user for example, but that's the most important thing for them. Google is home to countless communities of unique people. We're dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio-economic impact for our ecosystem of users. Right. Were dedicated to creating (and scaling) positive socio- economic impact for our ecosystem of users. Every piece of code we ship and our efforts to make sure our customers have a better experience. Understand that a functional structure organizes workers by the job performed, a divisional structure is organized by product. Jun 6, 2022. Right? Nadiem: And if you connect the first theme of bottom up innovation to the second theme that we just discussed, um, about, uh, building bridges and breaking walls, right? So, you know, I love what you said about trade offs gotta hurt for it to be meaningful. And it's amazing that you kind of see a company publicly say that, oh, we're going to do this. Twitter. 1. The best bottom up leaders were like, hold on, let me talk to my team first. And I think one, one thing that we've seen here and we've seen, uh, here in GOJEK, uh, but also here in the region and actually, you know, all around the world, uh, is actually, you know, the whole bottom up versus top down thing. They have a high bar for hiring, and are heavily invested in tooling, processes and best practices, and train the designers in that. And look, hey, you're a new father, right? We got Nadiem and Kevin again, that's right on Go Figure podcast. So this theme is about focus. Five People CEOs Need To Add To Their Team. And the reason why is because as the company grows, the level of complexity is so high. It's been horrible. And so having that empathy is key instead of having a more kind of inward looking part about what your team is obsessed with or passionate about and that's hard to do. Yeah. Hmm. Integrates Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam apps into one, under Gojek. Right? Like I was pretty significant percentage requirement minimum. Yeah. But the reason why we believe in them is because for the parts of the units of the organization that we did apply these principles. Jan 13, 2022. At GO-JEK, to overcome this, we encourage regular, short term movements from one team to another. So you have to have targets at the top and everything has to be MC, the middle layer has to contribute to the top layer. I think, um, I think what we've seen, are there's a different flavors of it. That's a really hard thing to save for I would say anyone. 2023 Gojek | Gojek is a trademark of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk. They're very hard at realizing value up early. I can't, I can't tell you how many times. A lot of painful activities that don't deliver fruits that are obvious are more painful than beneficial in the short run. Outro: Hey guys, hope you enjoy the podcast. As Gojek continues to scale, readjust, and evolve, the Workplace Management and Community Experience functions will continue to play a vital role in preserving Gojek's history and culture and maintaining a conducive work environment for our GoTroops to call home. How well and how quickly can I do it? A few things that I've seen, uh, payoff wise, I've seen some teams or individuals, um, who have an extremely high sense of ownership where if something goes wrong, they are the first person or the first team to kind of jump on to jump on the problem. Nadiem: And why is that a bad thing? Right and we made the requirement that product groups, my share with other product groups and then functional groups, my share with other functional groups and there was a minimum requirement. Orders jump to 300,000 a day. Right. Nadiem: It's not how quickly they get it done. So that very act of just delaying. Right. Phone Number +62 21 50251110. However, as an organization matures, the hard part is not scaling the technology, but paying heed to culture. It's hard and, it's hard in any kind of fast paced industry, right? Even if you're not leading a team, you need to have thought leadership. Those issues happen. Gojek is founded on the principle of leveraging technology to remove life's daily . And what we did in 2019 is that we reduced it to seven basically. 2019 is really about the how. The recommendations are just amazing, right? Uh, but then it just didn't, it, it didn't matter. But, you know, why do you think that this was something that was especially worthwhile to call out? That makes them feel more safe. That's it. Nadiem: Yeah, I get it. Like what, what does this mean? Right? Maybe it's your idea, you thought about this whole thing, uh, you pitched this whole thing, um, you convince somebody that this is the right path and now you're doing it right. Right. Understanding and interpreting organizational culture is important, as it affects organizational development, productivity, and learning at all levels. Ada 5 perusahaan yang dirangkum ACT Consulting yang termasuk dalam kategori memiliki budaya kerja yang menarik dan sehat. For me, its the people. Right? And this, whether or not this is a bad decision whether or not I have information that actually might make this a better decision is irrelevant. Kevin: I think for, especially for companies that are seeing good growth, I think it's particularly problematic because. Yeah. Social Impact Transform lives, inspire change. You could still be somebody who's driving, you know, something, uh, executing an idea as an individual contributor that you know, is also given a lot of leeway to, to kind of, you know, have ambitious goals. Because they're closer to the problems. You want the person closest to the user or to the problem to actually decide what truly matters. Saransri Prawatpattanakul Head of PR at GET Here, I am able to prioritize my schedule the way I like. Examples include integrity, teamwork, transparency, and accountability. Kevin: Yeah. Nadiem: Right. And then feeling that loss of control by just having things happen to them instead of them driving the change that they want to see in their work, is fundamentally different experience of working because then you're, you're really owning it, right. Uh, you find out, you know, people who you are putting in longer hours and let's say that, you know, we should promote necessarily longer hours, but people who, without being asked are putting in the additional hours. Like, you know, we have this feature that, you know, we've been working on know for a long time. Like if you have somebody who reports to you who is always doing well, who comes up with great ideas all the time, the natural inclination is like, for you to say, oh, this person's great. There are very, very many good benevolent dictators in tech companies out there, right? And that is actually you run into huge amounts of problems, cascading targets that way. Description of Gojek. Because if you're not doing things the right way, eventually those things all kind of fall apart. We actually forced groups to share their key results. I'm not saying perfectly bottom up, but that's what a lot of people to choose, how they're going to contribute to a much more limited set of metrics and gave them the freedom at every level to not have a cascaded target down. Phng Tun c (5th from right) speaks about Gojek's data culture during a panel discussion at the 2022 HCM City Economic Forum. And the leader immediately says, yeah, yeah, yeah, we can do that. Okay. And then I left after a while, right? And here are some common mistakes that I've seen. Kevin: And also, they will decide to do things that you might question, like they might not be directly linked to these things, uh, to these specific metrics, but at the same time, are important, you know, to those teams. Registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia. Right. If you just set from top down that, that direction without actually taking in the feedback and inputs of each of those key leads under you, I think that's where the beginning of the end, you know, like that's where you start losing credibility, you start losing trust and you start losing motivation. It's about really encouraging bottom up innovation, which is about innovation. And, and explicitly calling it out in front of all the other product, group heads. An organizational structure is a visual representation of what employees do, who they report to, and how business decisions are made. Yeah. Great place to work, but issues with bad HR policies, frequent layoffs, and slow pace of execution. Nadiem: A lot of people confuse that. Right? And I think in a way I think we're almost, we have a bias towards finding smart, creative, driven people. But it's also about having the best ideas on the solutions because that's your thing. And I think that even in the beginning stages of our organization, we were very top down, very exceedingly top down. And I think that, so just to remind the three axioms, short term gains, a lot of people talk about it, short term benefits, short term success, but the difference between short term success in long term success is that willingness. And then we come to the third kind of strategic theme, which is be the best at what matters. Or like hit a reliability rate of X percent. Right. Intro: Welcome to GO FIGURE. I also think, you know, if you were an engineer, a single individual contributor, engineer, uh, trying to crack, you know, a very hard problem, uh, when, you know, if somebody gives you, hey, this is the strategy for our group, this is a strategy for our team. It's got to be painful to say, and this is why I think we made all of our product and group heads kind of stand up even before they were sharing their objectives and key results. There's people who are not confident enough in their capabilities and yeah, sure, they would like to be told what to do. GoFood becomes the world's most helpful and user-friendly app during the pandemic. But you know, I think if you asked like, oh, we should foster an environment where everyone in the team contributes, right? And so for the next cycle if this actually is a systemic problem across the whole company or across multiple different, uh, teams, then we can decide to tackle it together as a group right. Welcome to Gojek's Bangalore office! And you're beat, you're there. 7. And it's hard. So it's more so the top downside almost feels more like coordination rather than like command and control. Gojek and Tokopedia unite to form GoTo, the largest tech group in Indonesia and the go to ecosystem for daily life. Uh, we should, uh, get, uh, teams to align with each other. It is an actual, you know, tradeoffs that you have to make and some of the trade offs you're asking about the trade offs, what's the risk of doing it, things like that. The culture consists of an established framework that guides workplace behavior. I don't like this I, that they were real people contributing solutions to the problems of each of the individual groups and that kind of peer rating system, peer assisted feedback is so much more powerful and led to so many better points than what we could have probably come up with. You cannot compete with that brain power and a lot of leaders can't let that go. Kevin: So what do you think then is the, in this framework, right? Move CTO S. Move Business Intelligence I. Right. Then we're able, even leaders become, gain far greater visibility and transparency into what's happening on the ground really. Not only did we do that, we also created a minimum requirement of budgetary spend between product groups to I think very, very radical requirements that in some ways jumpstart or force or jumpstart the collaborative effort of the organization. I don't have to think, because as long as I said my boss did it, I'm safe. Yeah. We dont claim to know what it takes to build a culture that can scale. I learned a bunch of stuff, but then I'm just, I'm thinking what's next? Um, and I think that that's why it's not just a, Oh, like that stuff isn't important. One of the few Southeast Asian companies to be listed twice by Fortune. I think, I think one very easy one. So let's not talk about how to mitigate the risk, but what's the payoff at the end? And I think ultimately there's only three ways you can really kind of motivate a team to truly go above and beyond. And it just shows that there, there are some of these like achiever showers or, uh, you know, uh, leaders that yes, they do, they hit those milestones, but at what cost? And I think this is why it's a challenge though, because oftentimes I find that the incentive to do that isn't always there. But, um, when you just kind of see that that is the, that as the ultimate objective, the be all end all, um, it becomes easy then, you know, when you're building a company to just optimize for those things and what are the things that get you those things immediately? Number of Exits 3. And you also have to be a very effective collaborator to do that. Kevin: Correct. And we're going to mention, uh, I think we're going to go deep into three things, which are some of our strategic themes for this year. Does it happen because people's incentive is not for better decision making, right? GOJEK does ride hailing, food delivery, payments even on demand massages. Right? [3] [4] Saat ini, Gojek telah tersedia di 50 kota di Indonesia. We all do our bit to make sure it's transparent and open to innovation. I think coming in year three, four, five and then 10 years is exponentially greater. Series F funding from Google, Tencent, JD.com and Mitsubishi. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. There were some clear benefits. Like moving as one, uh, you know, there's a fine line between celebrating a team success and creating competitive pressure to achieve things that are only great for that team. Nadiem: Right. It's basically another word for our target setting and goal setting. Because you understand the whole logic of like, why you made these decisions. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2009 di Jakarta oleh Nadiem Makarim. And they adopted that policy around all of our markets. Right. You, you left. So there's all these factors, but overall, as a general characteristic, some of the things that even I struggle with, by the way, so I'm not saying I, yeah, I'm very good at this as well. When people feel comfortable in a space, when they . Nadiem: Yeah. Yeah. But you are managing those people who are better than you. It's just that they have, their team happens to do that really well. If you kind of look at the universe of companies. GoTo's ecosystem comprises of on-demand transport, e-commerce, food and grocery delivery, logistics and fulfillment, and . Yup. Yeah. Instead going, look, I've noticed that we have an acute allocation, we have an acute supply problem in this specific geography, can you please take a look at it and come up with some solutions on what you think we should do here? That should be like a fundamental kind of mechanism that happens. That's something that people consistently come up against. Fantastic for short term but disastrous for long term. For us at GO-JEK, culture is a collective philosophy about how to build products that change lives. But I do think that, you know, there comes a point where a little bit more, a deliberation and thoughtfulness is required. About Clan Culture: A clan culture is people-focused in the sense that the company feels family-like. Here are the forms by which you have to meet up and then let the magic happen there with facilitation. The CEO of Gojek shares his lessons of creating a principled culture, managing organizational debt, and building true moats. Today, we're gonna talk a little bit about some things that matter very much personally to us in terms of the philosophy of building a long term sustainable successful business. And obviously, you know. HR designs a campaign to tout a . Um, and so, uh, I think, uh, they are inherently kind of, um, I guess those so called leaps of faith because it's so easy to kind of just brush them aside. After about a year or even more than a year, then we see unreplicable payoff, right. And those can also be sources of insight as to maybe these are other things that we should consider focusing on maybe during the next quarter or the next half these are when like, uh, these are when problems, that we didn't realize were problems, suddenly surface, right? Good growth, I think we 're dedicated to creating ( and scaling ) positive socio-economic for. That that 's the difference between thought leadership to call out we all do our bit to make our! Have, their team happens to do that up against, build bridges, break walls and let. Have a better experience Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam apps into one, under.... To countless communities of unique people n't let that go think what we did in 2019 that! That people consistently come up against beneficial in the emerging world is be the best ideas the! What it takes to build products that change lives about having the best up! 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gojek organizational culture