The willow never moved but when he walked behind me with his hands around mine the . Reminds me of someone bending their finger. Water witching, do you believe it? When my friend double checked her cousins info, it was a TWINS grave we found ! Other historical images that appear to represent dowsing are found in the temples of Egyptian pharaohs and in ancient Chinese etchings. On a commercial property we learned that there is a natural spring underneath after an excavation company accidentally dug into it and it flooded the work site. A well must intersect enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water. Data from controlled studies is proof this is nothing more than stuff and nonsense. According to the American Society of Dowsers, divining the location of water dates back many millennia. Dont know anyone who ever used it for bombs, gold etc, but seen it work for water. My husband cannot. Yes, water witching has been in existence for a long time. My mom could do this..we called them water witches. Well, after they dug at that spot, he was amazed that they found the water they needed pretty close to the projected depth. He had a standing challenge offering a million dollar cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above. But if the stick only swings side-to-side a couple times, you know there isnt as much water there. Some buy me one some dont. It worked every time. Water well witching with wood fits into this 95%, just like angels, demons, or the rest of reality that you cant see. Sounds like an older neighbor I had growing up, especially the part about finding old Indian burial grounds and knowing what direction they were laying. In fact, when California was in the middle of their worst drought, they turned to local dowsers to uncover hidden sources of water. My mother can do it. Southeast Idaho. He was a professional magician who billed himself as, "The Amazing Randy". The people buried there are relatives of his. Id walk and as my stick started going down I would place a flag. All anyone has to do to find their own answer is to contact their local water welldriller and ask them if dowsing for underground water really works. Water Witching by Barbara Rudolph. He just counts until it stops bobbing up and down and starts moving side to sidewhich indicates where the water is. I can find water lines and electrical lines. Walking with the long ends pointed forward, when he came to a certain spot, the rods swung around and pointed back toward him. When hes asked to locate a well, Lynn tries to find a spot where two underground streams cross, at different depths, he says. Dowsing or water witching (hence the name of the novel) is the practice of locating hidden water wells, buried metals, gemstones, or other objects. Id concentrate more on finding water or whatever youre hunting. I drilled wells for 45 years. 62 years later I still recall the weird experience of the willow branch twisting the bark as it pulled down. There is amazing power there but Im a bit reluctant to do it because I dont know where the power or ability comes from. I dont know why this is still discussed. I can hit water here about every time! Water. I find underground water veins. Get Instant Access! Systems. Water Science School HOME Groundwater topics . You could turn on all spigots and run all night without running dry. Ive tried irrigation but cant tell. Never tried any grave work. Then if the driller hits one and only gets 2 or 3 gallons per minute (not enough to service a home), he can continue drilling until he hits the second vein. Thats a big gamble. Traditionally, the most common dowsing rod is a forked (Y-shaped) branch from a tree or bush. I've also had success finding graves. If theyd stopped at the first level, it would not be a viable well. Thats where Im going to drill Many dowsers prefer forked sticks made from willow, peach, or witch hazel wood. getting clear responses with a forked willow branch and with L-shaped metal rods .more. People can drill wells just about anywhere and hit water. This article originally appeared in the July/August 2020 issue of Hobby Farms magazine. We needed a well dug and was told that we should use the old local farmer who could easily locate the water source for us. I never had any trouble getting it to work by myself just picked up the Y shaped branch, held the 2 short ends tight like you described, and walked. However, according to Jim Rickords of Sonoma County, a fresh willow branch is the best tool to use due to it's natural "thirst" for water. Plant your weeping willow at least 50 feet away from main structures, pathways, or driveways. It can be very difficult to drill successful wells in some areas underlain by thick cavernous limestone. If a hydrogeologist is called to determine a suitable drilling site, he or she will start by examining a geologic map. Ive never charged the locals. He passed in 2020 or maybe you too could have become a millionaire. I can witch water and find water lines with forked stick or metal hangers, this begin when I was 9 or 10 years old my grandfather was the one who found where water was for everyone who lived near us or for people who ask him to. It's a very strong response. I cant pull a rabbit out of a hat. Watched a bunch of how to videos. The twist started to take the bark off my willow branch but did not break it like the ones in my teens. The guy's name was Lee Modrow, I think he was around 90 when he passed away a few years ago. No scientist or anyone else is telling me its nonsense! i went with him many time when he was witching ,i would mark where with a stone . When he walks over a water source, the long end swings in the direction the water is flowing. And you dont need a doctor to go and buy yourself a cheap heart rate monitor and blood pressure cuff. Would you know of any dowsers in the middle TN area? Hold the rods steady in your hands. An old well striker gave me the cut coat hangers l shaped said walk around. jesus warned us about powers like this,,,,,,,, those powers do not come from HIM,,,,,,,,any serious christian would stay far away from those types of capabilities because they are from the evil one. The heavy end points toward the ground, held about a foot off the ground, and it starts bobbing up and down. Dowsing for water. It took a while to learn how to hold them loosely while balancing them. Outward again I hollered. they will simply that there is no right nor wrong place, just drill anyplace and you either hit or miss. I decided to let him try his spot. He found one at Dad's house and was within 2ft of the depth of the vein. So he said, explain that one to find water in the middle of a field and enough for an irriigation well when they had already dug a few dry test holes. It's a centuries-old practice. The practice continues to be used today, in some cities in Canada. #4. He counted about 160 bobs. Many successful wells are drilled without the cost of a dowser or a hydrogeologist. Kelly Rogers: I know in the past too they used willow rods, like willow sticks. He found out wher they crossed each other then he put the ends in his one hand and held it over where he said they crossed, the end of the Y started bobbing up and down, each bob was a foot. They came in knowing the situation but all were unsuccessful. It was dead on and worked backwards and forwards. The more times it bobs up and down, the deeper the water.. What Is Dowsing? I use a wire bent at a 90 degree angle. He said I laughed and counted after he dropped it into the bucket of water. I can do this with a dogwood stick and never asked for the ability. Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. Sorta our irrigation cart at the course has a magnetic Dowsing rod in the tool box with instructions. With the copper piece at the end, I did it as a child and it absolutely works. Ive never tried finding a water vein for a well. When we bought our farm in Ohio, in 1966,it only had a hand dug cistern. It shows two workers using dowsing rods to locate subsurface ore minerals. Driller came within 2 in of my spot he dowsed also. Problem was there were so many minerals in it that it would kill vegetation and even livestock couldn't drink it. Its more for the fun of it. Remain still after it stops bobbing and the stick will start to move side to side. And I dont charge because I cant guarantee 100%. Ive had the person Ive witched for try it. I havent tried finding pipes and cables but think it would be fun to try. 2) put garden hose or electical extension cord on ground. This way you can hold tightly and feel the willow pull on your hands and wrists. I'm not sure about electrical but probably so. I know the overhead power line was said in jest However it does explain witching. Harvest young branches of a willow tree, ideally first-year growth. Had heard of it long ago but never tried it myself until a family member suggested we try. So he recommended they call me, Lynn says. When you cross the underground stream the rods will swing in toward you. I can do it but only with bare brazing rods for whatever reason. Can you do it? In Europe and northeastern US, it is known as dowsing. Where do you live? People that have never seen it or watched closely think the dowser is turning the stick down intentionally. I told him I didnt believe that a stick could find water, he said well come with me he cut a stick and showed me how to hold it and told me to hold tight and start walking , I really didnt know what to say when that stick turn in my hands and I was holding so tight the bark peeled of in my hands it went down then next step it came back up and it did that in the same place every time, So I believe he passed the ability to witch to me when he handed the stick to me that day. Second well a mille away on a different piece of strata was less stron and pulled 30 gpm at 150 foot depth. You may have to ask around to find out methods that work for you. All the sticks he has are the "Y" of the branches, and he shows me how to hold them. Tell them to dig in center. It doesnt seem to correlate with soil type or rock formations on the surface. Years later I worked for a well drill he wouldnt dig a well with first having it witched. After he finished he had me try it. "Dowsing," "water witching," "divining," and "doodlebugging" are all names for the practice of locating groundwater by walking the surface of a property while holding a forked stick, a pair of L-shaped rods, a pendulum, or another tool that responds when the person moves above a location that will yield an adequate flow of water to a drilled well (see Figure 1). The blue line marks the subsurface location of the water table. I've read through this whole thread. Funny thing that none of the witchers ever told him there was no water on his place, nor did they offer to pay the driller who drilled the dry hole at the chosen site.Have you ever known a witcher who wandered a place and then proclaimed there was no water to be found?Long story short; he finally dug in a cistern and hauled city water from about 15 miles away. When I was a kid, my grandfather taught me how to water witch, more commonly called dowsing. Riana Mondavi explains the mysterious art of water witching, a craft her father Marc Mondavi uses to locate water for vineyards for The Divining Rod wines. He said he gets 40 gallons a minute. and the people came in with a drill and drilled another place with no luck . Farmers have used water-witching for generations, to determine the best place to dig their wells, and to find a source of drinking water for their cattle in a pasture. 1. It will save a lot of backhoe time. Leave water/electricity off and nothing happens. Im located in the Fayetteville, TN area. They drilled 100 feet and got 3 gallons per minute and went down another 100 feet and got 9 more gallons per minute. I did Alot of exploring over time. Locating and drilling into a good water supply can be difficult in areas underlain by igneous rocks such as granite and basalt. Not a drop of wqter. He called me a one-armed water Witcher. I have no idea as to the reason why, but I seem to be more adept at finding lost graves than water. Just had a new well drilled today. It was critical to get the communication cable working quickly. He would open the pliers pointing them straight up and they would get pulled out of his hands over a good well spot. I told them to throw their dowsing rods away. He does this every day he works and with 100% accuracy. I too can find electrical and water lines. How 1) get rod I used coat hanger cut and bent into l shape. Told them no 100% guarantees. Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick, Quebec, 2022-2023 Canadian Extended Winter Forecast, Gardening by the Moon | Planting Calendar, Groundhog Day: Forecast, Facts, and Folklore, Saint Patrick's Day: History, Folklore, and Ideas, Thanksgiving Day (Recipes, Traditions and Trivia). Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, however in quantum physics we DO know that what we can sense with our 5 basic senses, can only perceive about 5% of reality, while the 95% is super-natural or beyond the 5 senses. Also then count the side to side movements to determine the depth of the second vein. I have told them that there doesnt seem to be water on their acreage they wish to have well on. This gives more chance to find adequate water, at two levels. Just used some welding rods and didn't know they were there as house was being built month before I was born. Other clerics continued to condemn the practice for the next century or so, but France saw fit to use dowsing to track down heretics in the 17th century. I have located a few places to drill a well. Back then as a 12-or 13-year-old kid on the farm, the search for finding water is where it begins. He seemed to think it worked because the live limb needed the water source. I use one wire, seems to be just as good as two wires. I am now retired but I still work 2 to 3 days a week Water-witching for clients. I don't know how accurate it is. I've also heard that peach branches, or hazel branches conduct water in the same way. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. Most drillers maintain a file of the types of rocks penetrated and the amount of water produced for each well that they have drilled. The bark is gray-black. This is the tricky part; many experienced dowsers say that as you zero in on the water source, the dowsing rod will bend towards the earth quite sharply, which means youll need to tighten your grasp on the rod so that you dont drop it. After about 15 seconds or so the stuck will begin to Bob up and down. My sister and BIL recently moved and he asked me if I could come locate some water lines on their property. He used a quart jar with a couple of inches of water in it. Still more say that this art is nothing more than a clever hoax. Why does the weeping willow root system expand so widely? The pull is very obvious. I must have done it 50+ times trying to figure out what the trick was there was an undeniable pull on the branch when I would walk over certain parts of the property. He said when you first felt the willow stick move you counted from there to when it went straight down. Those that it hasnt,Ive told them to walk back to me and Ive placed my hand on their shoulder as I walk behind them. We drove to my land that weekend and I set him on the same path I had taken, then stood back and watched. Typically, the person that is dowsing holds sticks or rods and walks around a property in the hopes that the rods will dip, twitch, or cross . I am looking for a dowser in Middle TN. Been doing a lot of reading on the subject and the only thing I can say to the non believers its not a hoax or that miniscule muscle is causing the stick to move. - Event: Tour of Dennis and Ruby Dickens' Farm. Then the rods look like this: . Decades ago some of my Dad's friends called BS on his abilities to witch. Being a plumber by trade and having a father that was also a plumber; I can tell you it's a crap shoot. I have seen his fingerprints on something in a few minutes. They are attracted to his body and point back toward him. He held it by the small end and let it bob up and down until it stopped bobbing and swung side-to-side. Better to pay a dowser so you at least haves reasonably decent place to try. Forked sticks held in front of a dowser will be deflected toward the ground, a pair of L-shaped rods held lightly in the dowser's hands will cross one another, and a pendulum suspended on a string will deflect from vertical as the dowser moves over a good location. He witched and said there was an underground river but extremely deep. L-shaped or Y-shaped Dowsing Rod Traditionally a straight or forked tree branch or twig, usually from a hazel tree, though peach and willow twigs are also acceptable. It will go left and right when I get over a line. The Dewey Decimal classification system places dowsing in 133.323 in the neighborhood of fortune-telling, parapsychology and occultism. Place flags apart from each other to see how wide the vain is. AFC 1999/008: CRF-MH-A071. The real test would be to determine how deep and at what flow rate. Read more:Ever wonder why there needs to be a pump at the bottom of a deep well? When it comes to modern-day water witching, I suppose digital imaging and water sniffing drones will win . Whenever he went over an area that he had already tested having water the stick would forceably turn down, peeling bark off the stick in my hand and even making marks in my skin. Its possible to find water sometimes at high elevations, while some attempts to drill wells near rivers have failed. Ive also used a pair of aluminum welding rods bent into a right angle. I have been dowsing for 50 years with complete success. Some real estate agents in our valley ask him to check properties before offering them for sale, to make sure there is water. . Branch size and thickness dont matterwhatever feels right. There is a local guy here who claims he can determine the sex. I would appreciate that information. I can`t do it myself, but have seen it done, and it does work. Cant explain it, and I dont care if anyone believes me, but I know what Ive experienced. You can use virtually any kind of tree, but Y-shaped sticks from willows, witch hazel, and various fruit and nut trees seem to be the most popular. Lynn counts each time it bobs, and each bob represents about a foot of depth. He'd had a new well drilled for the house but wanted to reactivate the old one for watering his garden. It was a strong well and He was only off by 5 feet.darndest thing I ever saw. Weeping willow trees have stout trunks with a broad, rounded crown. He found every water and sewer line. When holding the willow branches, your arms are close to your body with elbows resting against your hips. I dont care if it is a plastic pipe, a 24, a stream of water or whatever I can find it, even with a dowsing rod made of wooden dowel rods. Downeast Maine. My father was really good at finding water for people he used wires i prefer a forked stick dowsing doesnt have to be proven to me i know without a shadow of a doubt it works i havent figured out how to scientifically prove it but i can make anyone feel what i feel as long as im touching the stick you will feel it to there has to be a way you could measure the force being put on my stick its so strong if i try to hold the stick and keep walking the stick will break. Mar 27, 2017. Looks like a lot of potential millionaires amongst us *****I think he has passed on now but there was a guy named James Randy, who used to appear on the Johnny Carson Show. Dowsing is a type of divination specifically for the location of objects, most notably water or treasure of some sort, but any item can be the subject of dowsing. . A well we had dug was close to two underground streams at different depths. I've an uncle that can do it. Has anybody heard of the Mansfield automatic water finder? Remain still to see if the bobbing starts again. Witching is believed to have been in use for centuries, and involves using telepathic or verbal communication with a dowsing tool to relay information regarding questions asked by a dowser. Then it just stopped and floated nicely in the water. It's a hot day on the Western farm and the farmer is checking the field before harvest. You didnt answer your own question, though. My dad would swear by the witching sticks. English/Irish, now living in Limerick Ireland. I'm not sure where he was originally from, but he'd lived here for probably at least 50 years. Ive had friends grab the rods and walk over the same spot and nothing happen. It is a unique talent that I also have I generally use one rod in my receiving hand. Enough with the energies and superstitions and but it worked for me anecdotes. Have never tried it much more than a few times over a known water line where I live. It is not easy for adults to do, apparently, because they tense up. One of the most comical things Ive ever witnessed, him shuffling around my yard and whenever his wires got crossed, stomping one foot on the ground and with absolute confidence Dig HERE!10 minutes later with a probeno luck. It baffles me as to how it works. We contacted him and he came with a hanger wire and took about 20 minutes to locate the water source. It has to be underground. I tested this on an existing well site and the numbers did not come out right and matching the well log as to the depth of water. If you have ever been to underground caverns theres places where water swirled and made these huge pools, I always picture in my mind thats whats going on and that might make sense why its a good spot. Then I remembered an old well man tell me he could tell where the water was from lay of the land. If its just a small pull, there probably isnt much. Dowsing may be done with a "dowsing rod" or "divining rod" (Latin Virgula Divina, German Wnschelrute ). 3 of 8 4 of 8 Marc Mondavi, vice president of Charles Krug Winery and a water witch, holds his copper diving rods on Monday, Dec. 3, 2012 in St. Helena, Calif. Russell Yip/The Chronicle Show More . It was life changing for me . Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees, and some prefer the branches to be freshly cut. So they sat him in the back of a pickup truck, blind folded him, and slowly drove down the main street of a small town. That's what he told me. Jun 25, 2007. Location. He had a standing challenge offering a million dollar cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above. I can't tell the depth though. Water-Witching From Space. Because a water witch's method is not scientifically proven, reliance on this technique is considered a folk practice. The force was strong. He was a local legend as a water witcher who succeeded in finding water when drillers failed. I ended up using some galvanized wire and then cut it to length before making the 90 degree bends. Handy having 2 rods. Water is not always where youd expect. My job was to push in the tile probe. Dowsing for water is 100% BS. Although she passed away in 1989..Ive grown up on this well as Ive lived here since and its where I grew upknock on wood, I hope it holds up for the rest of my life! I have produced a 4 Page Water witching Facts from my knowledge of the topic. Fortunately, no matter where you stand on the dowsing debate, this is one bit of ancient wisdom that you can easily put to the test! And this has been going on for 45 years. So, not necessary to have a Y shaped fruit wood stick. Trying to locate buried utilities under an overhead line doesn't work for me. The local Purdue farm uses dowsing rods to locate broken drain lines in the fields. Silvery green male and female catkins appear on separate trees in April to May, but are not showy. The same person Im referring to witched a section for my dad back in the 90s and told him not to waste his money drilling test holes for irrigation. He was right every time. Kioti RX6620PS. Many took him up on his challenges but none were ever able to prove their mystical claims. I guessed at a spot and they dug down 300ft. Nothing to lose for $200-$400. I wonder how in the world that works? Some water witchers use a forked willow branch and by gripping the two forks firmly, the willow rod will move up and down when placed over and underground current of water. I specialise in water mostly , dowsing Fri maps, finding water . I would love to find a dowser who can find my water line location, which is essential before permit can be given on the replacement of my failing septic system. There is something to that. They showed me how to do it with a willow branch when they were getting ready to drill a well. Favorite Jung & Johnnys Seeds For Your 2023 Garden, Winter Sowing The Spring Vegetable Garden. Maurice's dad wanted a better well so he engaged the services of a man known as a water diviner with a willow. It works! One rancher was so grateful he paid Lynn $100. If they ever failed to find water (or pipes) no one talked about it. Unless they used shovels. Just another thing in a long list of things I have no talent for. What do you charge to come find a spot to drill a well? He ended up finding a spot and told them definitely enough water in this spot for an irrigation well. (By the way, to water witch has nothing to do with Wicca, although there are Wiccans who. He demonstrated with a single branch held loosely in one hand. I try to stay local. And sometimes people who are interested in a certain property ask him to find water before they decide to buy it. Only some people have this ability. When I see a dowser clearing minefields, I might start giving it some credibility. Needs to be at least 25 feet wide to get a decent house well. Cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above also then the. Held about a foot off the ground, held about a foot off the ground, held a. Dont know anyone who ever used it for bombs, gold etc, are... This with a drill and drilled another place with no luck been dowsing for 50 with! They wish to have well on Dickens & # x27 ; s a hot day on the same spot nothing! 12 and 16 inches long wrong place, just drill anyplace and you need! As to the reason why, but are not showy a hat water witching with a willow branch deep well what! To find out methods that work for water stick down intentionally a kid, my taught! Down intentionally for me stops bobbing up and down, the deeper the water.. what dowsing. And right when I was born willow branch twisting the bark off my willow twisting... 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water witching with a willow branch