Here are some ways to resolve them: If the solution depends on certain facts, the facilitator can ask participants to refer to the text or another authority. That may lead to a goal ultimatelybut it may not. That reaction not only leaves the conflict unresolved and therefore growing, so that it will be much stronger when it surfaces later but fails to examine the issues that it raises. Start on time . Ground rules that work are: appropriate for your students' age and developmental stage. Directive leaders can be necessary in some situations. It's often difficult to reach an agreement in a meeting because some people are often dogmatic about their position. Limit Sharing: We are considerate that everyone in the group needs to share. Perhaps assigning the avid talker to the observer role would help the person develop sensitivity. As the facilitator, it is important to ensure that all voices are heard and that ground rules are conducive to an open and honest dialogue. By providing some examples of ground rules and healthy communication, this resource supports optimizing communication, an important part of Key Driver 4: Create and support high functioning teams to . The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book. to remain available. Show GRACE to each other Everyone is at a different place in their journey with Christ. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Locating - Facilitators can ask the questioner to explain the context behind the question. "Agree to disagree" highlights that there is always an option to come to an agreement, even though two people or a group disagree with each other. Ground rules define how team members can support and communicate with each other. If the recorder is a group member, the group and/or leader should come up with a strategy that allows her to participate fully in the discussion. Your contribution can help change lives. Come prepared. 18 Ground Rules for Group Discussions 1 "Strong opinions, loosely held" The idea "strong opinions, loosely held" is that anyone is allowed to express their strong opinions, but at the same be open to change their mind if they new data suggests that they might be wrong. Most often because they are afraid of the consequences or think the context isn't the right one to address the issue. Ground rules clarify expectations for behavior in the meeting. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. stream Writing participants comments on the whiteboard. Be present. It often helps to start by listing a few community agreements that you think will be helpful. Information and publications related to study circles, participatory discussion groups meant to address community issues. Avoid interrupting or having side conversations. (8th edition). Start on a positive note. The goal is not to agree it is to gain a deeper understanding. Ground Rules for Online Discussions 1) Participate: Students must contribute to conversations. Now, just to be clear: We are not saying that conflict is good per se. Setting ground rules for productive discussions, Exploring the impact of charismatic leaders in communities, Pros and cons of using internal and external facilitators. In these circumstances, the leaders ability to identify points of agreement, or to ask the question that will get discussion moving again is crucial to the groups effectiveness. If participants are simply trying to embarrass the facilitator, they may seek to make him or her defensive with such comments as, How do you really know that? or Youre not really saying that? Such questions can be handled by playing boomerang. Convey a sense of self-importance or superiority. They should be discussed and agreed upon by the group members. Playground Rules Posters. The exception here is when someone has been chosen by her community or group to represent its point of view in a multi-sector discussion. Here are some common problems with suggestions for how to deal with them. The difference between ground rules and group agreements may, for some, be semantics if the process of developing guidelines are the same. It may also mean a space away from the ordinary. Ultimately, an effective group discussion is one in which many different ideas and viewpoints are heard and considered. Boyce, K. (2002). ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate. Ground rules (also known as group agreements) help create these feelings from the start. Having pre-established guidelines can also help decide how to address difficult situations (Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, 2020). Share, even if you dont have the right words: Suspend judgment and allow others to be unpolished in their speaking. Here are four important guidelines to communicate to your group. Follow the agenda. Marcus., The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3. If the situation is particularly difficult, a directive leader might be needed to keep control of the discussion and make. As people in academia, we are used to trying to convince everyone that we are right. Are you a directive or non-directive leader? Team Work PowerPoint. 6. Group Facilitation and Problem-Solving, Section 2. The first thing you need to think about is leadership style, which we mentioned briefly earlier in the section. If the group starts to veer in the direction of negativity and/or pointless venting, ask them how they would like to address this. They are meant to be suggestions for your consideration that can be modified within reason, if the . A constant question that leaders and members of any group have is what to do about racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks, especially in a homogeneous group where most or all of the members except the leader may agree with them. 9. Creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive branch takes planning, support and intention. Suggestions for Leading Small-Group Discussions, prepared by Lee Haugen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University, 1998. Common core: Ideas and techniques for establishing effective group process Facilitators are non-directive, and try to keep themselves out of the discussion, except to ask questions or make statements that advance it. The materials are broken down into "modules" and facilitation trainers can use some or all of them to suit their needs. G.R.O.U.P.S. There may actually be no need for one, in that the goal may simply be to discuss an issue or idea. This resource can be used to lead a group discussion about developing ground rules for how primary care team members communicate with each other. We support, encourage and admonish each other towards Christ-likeness and always speaking in love. Find out the kind of topics that are given at the institution or company you are applying for. Finish 10 minutes early Get into the habit of scheduling meetings to finish at :20 or :50, and make sure you finish on time. Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: Groups can create ground rules in advance of the meeting, or with the group at the meeting. Make the discussion functional by clarifying the goals of each session to the group. Other ways to handle these situations include: Confrontation - Facilitators can confront the questioner with their reactions to his or her behavior. From University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR; formerly known as National Council for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR) . Group Rules Poster. Fact sheet. If youve been the recorder, you might want to put the notes from the session in order, type them up, and send them to participants. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. But getting to that point is not easy, and as we said earlier, it necessitates managing that conflict in a balanced and rational way. This rule is particularly helpful in brainstorming, where the judging of ideas can be detrimental to the process. Openly and honestly communicate with everyone. (Do not merely formulate what you are going to say while others are talking.) The Tool Box needs your help Create an inclusive environment. Its not an easy task, but it can be extremely rewarding. In those moments, it's better for participants to share knowledge with each other, instead of being critical and blaming others for their lack of knowledge. Step back when a group is functional/functioning help participants become independent learners; take control of their learning. A politician convenes a town hall meeting of constituents to brainstorm ideas for the economic development of the region. What I really hear you saying is. If the question is less clear-cut, you might want to throw it back to the group, and use it as a spur to discussion. If you paraphrase what someone else said, verify with them afterwards that you Poster. A group of two or three generally doesnt need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. It is important that no one in your small group community dominate conversation and also that every . As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. Enter the room a few minutes early to resolve any technical issues. -Approved Feb. 9, 2007. Ko=jmc X2AH#AP15n$WTtVkV^/ UG:Ewn=5:_je=u{JBb(MkT7}{JZ}iwBM~?Io) +2wQR0!4B+*+2HT(KCZZ[7 OMUnuSN?eR8GV^Rg5)r,c}^`}I E{?Nt ;zroW,DCx0liO'/&wML0XPrcJts[5;]2^lL`cbcbEKeiVRDX]q. In order to work effectively, the team should be able to understand, agree upon and follow the ground rules. If such conflicts are left ambiguous, they may cause continuing trouble. Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks. It helps greatly if the leader comes to the task with a democratic or, especially, a collaborative style, and with an understanding of how a group functions. Respect for Group Members - Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Treat participants with respect and consideration. Common ground rules include: Ground rules may also include participation-management techniques. A group of two or three generally doesn't need a leader to have a good discussion, but once the number reaches five or six, a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. Meeting rules defining agenda listening actions. This is especially true when the group is stuck, either because two opposing ideas or factions are at an impasse, or because no one is able or willing to say anything. _____________________________, Library Book Discussion Series, Fall2021. Take responsibility for your own learning. The ultimate comfort, and one that breaks down barriers among people, is that of eating and drinking. It will be helpful to read and review these Ground Rules prior to each session to help get people in the right frame of mind for these discussions." (1) We will modify these as a group to meet DEI needs. Build trust and a sense of safety among group participants. Develop an awareness for barriers for learning (cultural; social; experiential, etc). Confidentiality. Ground rules clarify expectations of behavior during the meeting. Included in this toolkit is the Diversity Officer position description. INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Odd ideas often turn out to be correct, and shouldnt be stifled. Sometimes, the difficult conversation is one you want to start, not just facilitate. Start each activity or discussion by setting community agreements using the steps below. Agree not to blame ourselves or others for the misinformation we have learned, but to accept . You also may be in a position to lead one, and thats what this section is about. (Be sure to include the requester in this discussion). Asking follow-up questions, and paraphrasing the comments for everyone to ponder. Over-generalize behavior or have stereotypical expectations of participants (tokenism). They identify the "rules of engagement" that support a permissive safe environment. This is particularly true when it comes to group discussion, where the process is, in fact, the purpose of the groups coming together. Ground Rules What are ground rules? Some facilitators keep discussions on track by listing the questions or issues they want to cover on the board or summarizing the discussion on the board as it proceeds. Community activists. Effective facilitation of a discussion involves the recognition and employment of different perspectives and different skills to create an inclusive environment. Allow participants to introduce themselves you can even set up an ice breaker to have pairs of students introduce each other. Dont ask people to do something, and then ignore it. Do group members want to be called on or would they like to speak freely? Deferring - Often, the best strategy is to invite participants to come up after the session and arrange for a time to talk about the disagreement further, and then move the discussion on to another topic. Rather, were saying that the presence of that conflict can lead to something good. Your ground rules the issue of respecting everyone should address this issue, and it probably wont come upbut there are no guarantees. Professionals with group-leading skills counselors, social workers, therapists, etc. The facilitator might say, What Im saying is, but now I'd like you to share your perspective. Turning the question back to the questioner forces him or her to take responsibility for his or her opinion. Discussion Ground Rules. Another approach is to break down the group into still smaller task groups. Using ground rules is an early step to create meetings with clear expectations for involvement. However, any class can benefit from ground rules that set expectations for respectful dialogue. A combination of initiating and probing questions can be an effective approach to bring out participants ideas further. this discussion guide focuses primarily on the . Share personal experiences rather than make general statements about groups of people (stereotyping). It is not enough to login and read the discussion thread of others. (1997) Clinical discussion sessions and small groups. Hold public hearings on proposed laws or regulations, development, etc. If you are unsure of their meaning, ask for clarification. They break. To that end, there are some ground rules for participating in the group that we ask that everyone follow. Be prepared to contribute to achieving the meeting goals. % Respect your spouse's privacy - During your Group . One is to state your opinion, but make very clear that its an opinion, not a fact, and that other people believe differently. After the group has completed a task, debriefing is an important step to take in order to gain insight into understanding the process and results. DISCUSSION GROUND RULES We will use the Ground Rules below for our discussion group. 5. There are no right or wrong answers - we want honest, candid opinions. They are sometimes called working agreements, guidelines, or expectations. Developing Facilitation Skills, Section 3. 2. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. An effective group discussion can lay the groundwork for action and real community change. If the session was one-time, or was the last of a series, your job may now be done. 4. Be on time and prepared for meetings. All too often, conflict whether conflicting opinions, conflicting world views, or conflicting personalities is so frightening to people that they do their best to ignore it or gloss it over. Each session will be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Ground rules are a short list of expectations to guide how a group works together. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). You can express your strong disagreement or discomfort with such remarks and leave it at that, or follow up with Lets talk about it after the group, which could generate some real discussion about prejudice and stereotypes, and actually change some thinking over time. This category could include anyone from professional community organizers to average citizens who care about an issue or have an idea they want to pursue. Everyone gets a turn. 4 E.L.M.O E.L.M.O stands for "Enough, let's move on" and can be established as a meeting rule to cut unnecessary discussions. You should always ask attendees if they agree to abide by the ground rules established at the beginning of . is a detailed and engaging textbook and professional development resource presenting the key concepts in social justice education. Well begin by looking at what you might consider if you have time to prepare. While many public organizations use parliamentary procedure as a form of ground rules, such formal rules may not be sufficient or appropriate for guiding public discussion. We teach the youngest children to take turns, but even adults need to be reminded. The Community Tool Box is a service of the. Most people prioritize to be understood first, before they open their ears to better understand others. Instead of invalidating somebody elses story with your own spin on her or his experience, share your own story and experience. By discouraging reactivity and encouraging thoughtful reflection, participants can start . Each sessionwill be a facilitated discussion of selected chapters, led by a member of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Usually, that means comfortable furniture that can be moved around (so that, for instance, the group can form a circle, allowing everyone to see and hear everyone else easily). Request that if participants challenge others ideas, they back it up with evidence, appropriate experiences, and/or appropriate logic. In most group discussions, leaders who are relatively non-directive make for a more broad-ranging outlay of ideas, and a more satisfying experience for participants. The complete guide to facilitation. The ideal here is that other members of the group do the challenging, and it may be worth waiting long enough before you jump in to see if thats going to happen. All members of grief groups should aim to: Be on time ; Refrain from starting side conversations or taking phone calls in the group In general, meetings are better if more people participate and take responsibility for discussions and decisions. No deposit, no return Purpose: To encourage participation and emphasize the value of learning. A way to approach non-participants is to provide opportunities for smaller group discussions or pair-share discussions. Make "undiscussable" ideas discussible. 2 x=@! You have some choices about how you do that, however. This is a clever rule to create equal participation, without directly addressing the problem of a dominant speaker in the group. Accept each other without making judgments. Members new to these issues are encouraged to spend time . Ground Rules for Group Discussion Listen with respect. & Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. A way to approach the dominant participant and pull in non-participants is to redirect the discussion to another person or another topic. Guide how a group is functional/functioning help participants become independent learners ; take control of the to. Even set up an ice breaker to have pairs of students introduce each other often because are! Redirect the discussion and make her or his experience, share your own spin on or! Alike 3.0 United States License identify the & quot ; rules of &! 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ground rules for group discussion