platforms for student council secretary

One of my platforms is to improve the information dissemination system that the council has. Having a focused platform will help you seem trustworthy and will help you stay motivated. Be aware that there are potential drawbacks to joining student council. Changes, big and small, are always afoot at Swarthmore because students are always awake, sipping coffee and Thinking About Things . Hopefully my platform has provided you with a good sense of who I am and what I intend to do. The school-wide council typically has itsown faculty adviser but still gets assistance with itsevents from the grade-level councils. Decide on a platform. a combination of personal characteristics and past experiences and successes. One of the most important positions on the student council is the secretary. As mentioned above, some schools wont require you to make a campaign speech. Around the first corner of the track a I have been working closely with several Alumni groups, a great resource for information and support for any activity. Additionally, there is usually a school-wide student governmentthatplans and executes programs for the entire school (such as Homecoming Week or a school-wide fundraiser). This semester I worked as a Swarthmore phonathon caller, calling alumni and parents of current and past students. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. creating meeting itineraries, facilitating discussions), delegating tasks (i.e. To continue to build trust, you need to show your competence in the classroom. Additionally, while these positions are considered smaller, you have the same responsibility as the president or VP,to help plan and execute great events. From turning around the ban on late Thursday nights to supporting Swarthmores living wage campaign, at lot of positive change has occurred on Swarthmores campus with the help of Student Council, and as Secretary I can promise you that I will work tirelessly to continue this trend. You should also think about the impression youre making in class. Whether its a proposal for a new green initiative, concerns about budgeting or even a request for a new foosball table, Student Council is one of the only forums on campus where each of these can be given full attention. Instead we want substantial explanations for why processes, structures and policies are as they are. While on this committee, for example, I plan to talk about the colleges diversity in the future. Hello, my name is Joan Kim and I am running for Campus Life Representative. Thinking about joining student council? After being elected Treasurer (2006) then Vice President (2007), I had the opportunity to attend my first state student council conference with the South Carolina Association of Student Councils. Other schools will expect you to make a speech either at a live assembly or via video broadcast. Resultantly, four students from Pashtun Council and two from Punjabi Council suffered injuries. 3. On your marks, get set, go! See the about page to read more about the DG. Plan to join student council Student council is a great life experience and resume booster. Plan ononehour for meetings and fourhours for event planning or executing events. I will work towards better facilities so that we can do what we love. WebCommittee Secretary. 3. I want to add an internet poll to the Dashboard website that would allow you to keep tabs on what the Student Council was doing and provide the council with feedback. Treasurer:Responsible for budgeting and managing money (i.e. In this ultimate guide, well discuss the benefits of student council, how to get appointed, and what to expect. I have chosen to run for the position of vice president of Student Council because it is a position of great responsibility that I know I will occupy to your full benefit. I simply want to bring all of my skills and strengths in order to help Student Council run effectively and smoothly. By talking to student groups and individuals, I will see what issues need to be brought to attention, use my council position to present it to appropriate Deans and/or administration, and work with both students and administration to find the best way to approach student body issues. All rights reserved. However, before the process of bringing an idea through Student Council can even begin, students must be comfortable using the resources available to them in order to make discussions brought up at meetings as productive as possible. Having served as appointments chair for the past two semesters, I have learned a great deal about the necessity of small improvements, and the difference they can make on an entire process, like applying to committees. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! Vote Jennifer Yi! We will elect information officers per block to ensure that the I want less talking and more action to be the motto of EIU. Submit a complete application according to the program guidelines. To show other students that youre this type of person, youll have to get out there and mingle with your classmates. By constantly improving the function of school government with small changes, we could make the flow of information smoother, and achieve even greater levels of transparency. As a governing body, we need to stop assuming the needs and wants of students. I would like to extend this concrete connection with my hall to the community at large. 6. A Comprehensive Guide. 34) My Tie: Have a dinner party with all the council members. 2. Andrea Cornejo 10: The first couple of weeks on campus, I looked around and couldnt see how there could be anything to complain about here at Swarthmore, everything seemed to run so smoothly. I think Student Council this semester has done an effective job bringing certain aspects of campus life setbacks to administrations attention, and bringing forth commitment to change these issues. I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time, and have a great tomorrow! The other day, my friend was saying how great it would be if there were just some randomly fun thingsLike what if there were suddenly a band playing in the fragrance garden on Friday afternoon?that happened here on campus? Dont be known as the person who is always late to classor on their cell phone. 16: I, Tonya, feat. Dont be a mediocre student governmentmember! 4. Instead of wasting paper in giving every student newsletter (most of which end up getting recycled), I think the Student Council should instead post fliers on Sharples tables, bathrooms, and dorms that people would be more likely to read. The school council secretarys role is more than just taking minutes and posting the meeting agenda. As Appointments Chair, I want to bring in more students instead of having the same half-dozen or so people on several committees. SpecialGuest, Men Who Cook event back after 2 yearhiatus, Bettering yourself means changingyourself, Relationship advice in time for ValentinesDay, Taking time for yourself is healthy, good foryou. Are you unsure about where to start or if you should even run? Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for keeping a record of the financial account for the student council. And as EVP I will do my best to make sure that EIU students can get the most out of their experience here on campus. Create your own mini stationary sets as a student council campaign giveaway. It can be discussions about diversity, Black Lives Matter, mental health, sexual harassment and sexual assault, ways to study more efficiently, or just provide an opportunity to let students speak their mind in an environment where they will not be judged or criticized for what they believe or how they feel. Prepare and distribute minutes to the council for approval. Smile and be polite and friendly. If you are considering applying or re-applying for a committee, you will probably have several concerns. The grade-level councils typically plan and execute grade level specific programs (such as creatinga class t-shirt, organizing a class fundraiser, planning the class float for the Homecoming parade, etc.). I believe my equality driven character along with my perseverant and outspoken personality will be a great combination for Campus Life Representative. The first is in submitting your application. If elected as Vice President, I believe that I will successfully represent the opinions of the student body successfully. I want to make sure that the various areas of campus are represented and heard to the fullest extent. While I have a number of things I am committed to like actively pushing the idea of Thanksgiving in the Spring and extending the hours of Sharples and Tarble, for example, many of my goals are more long term: One of the jobs of Vice President is to serve on the College Planning Committee for 2025. I have already taken an active role in campus life in many different ways. The Vice-President along with the rest of Student Council, functions as a voice for the student body, and at this point the administration wants to listen. Students gather to listen to the platforms of the candidates running for the offices of student body president and vice president and well as Mr. and Ms. UTA. What is student council and what duties will you have as a member? Serving my classmates as a member of student council would be a true pleasure! Also I would push for the short break in spring, or at least shed some light on the attempt to implement it. With that being said, it is important to have a Vice President on this committee who can be bold in terms of providing feedback on what students think of certain aspects of the school. As I said above, members of the grade-level councils are responsible for planning and executing grade-level specific programs(such as creatinga class t-shirtororganizingJunior Prom). At its best, I believe that Student Council has the unique ability to be a positive means of communicating student ideas and concerns to the administration and campus as a whole. The duties of each position remain the same whether its for the freshman council or school-wide council. According to the Student Council constitution, the function of the secretary is to ensure that important documentation pertaining to Student Council is archived, Application Information and Deadline: Applications are due on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST (Washington D.C. time). Although I lack experience on Student Council, Im conscientious, I honor my responsibilities, I accept criticism, I take satisfaction from a job well done, and I listen well. Campus Life Representative: Nothing is worse than the class t-shirt. If you like this article be sure to share it with other parents and school councils by using the share buttons above and below this article. I often wonder what we can do to make Swarthmore students happier, less pressured, and I have some lets-do-it-right-now kind of ideas about how to make improvements in the short term. 20: HiddenFigures, Two Dudes Talk Movies Ep. In an effort to highlight the people who are leading colleges and universities across the nation, we at Watch The Yard reached out to Howard University and did an interview with Jordyn Allen the 2022-2023 Student Government Association president. Try to make real positive changes at your school! She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. 18: The Help feat. Continue to make EIU and its surrounding community a safe place for students of all race, ethnicity, and gender. If elected I would channel my passion for SAC, along with my past experience, towards my duties as Student Events Advisor. Enhance communication between students and school administration/faculty, Represent the views of the students on matters of concern, Promote respect and positive values among students, Support the development of the school and school culture. That is in essence what I want to keep as the foremost goal of council, the committees, and the administration. A platform should be your summary of things at your school you want to change. Your student council experience can also help you develop a variety of career skills, including: In short, student council is an interesting and rewarding experience that helps you build skills youll need in college, the workforce, and life. Running for a position on student council can be a scary experience, but its also enjoyable and rewarding. Below, well look at the various positions and what you can expect from each. Have a clear, catchy headline. .. I ask for your vote to help make this happen. Hi, Im John Doe, and Im running for sophomore class secretary., I'm an excellent note-taker. The relationships I formed then are still some of my most-cherished friendships and useful connections. If you want to be president of your class or high school some day, you need to start working towards that goal early. For more on this, read our article, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, by a Harvard Alum. With more openness and transparency, it is my hope that we, as a campus, will be better able to address longstanding issues at Swarthmore. Participation in these organizations throughout my high school career allowed me to develop key leadership, coordination and organizational skills. Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. Why do you want to be on student council? As Secretary, I will work to make sure that Student Council proceedings are as transparent as possible. Here are my bullet points for a good campaign speech: These should be the main points you hit, but also, try to inject some humor into your speech to make it more entertaining. After graduating from the University of South Carolina I pursued a career working for Walt Disney World and Walt Disney Studios. 2022 - 4 . youve never held a position on student council at your high school before, whether as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior), I recommend first trying to run for what are considered smaller positions:treasurer or secretary. - Definition created by 2008-09 TASC State Officers and District Presidents PROMOTE CITIZENSHIP And of course, it doesnt hurt that it makes a powerful addition to your college resume. Although I have no previous experience on Student Council, I am no stranger to active participation at Swarthmore. SpecialGuest, International students share cultures at Global CultureNight, Theatre students to perform originalplays, Percussionists dream to teach music to nextgeneration, THROUGH THE LENS: Horn and TrumpetRecital, THROUGH THE LENS: Jay Gatrell, from provost topresident, THROUGH THE LENS: Students build Byobert thesnowman, THROUGH THE LENS: Xanadu week fourrehearsal, Getting Emotional Ep.1: Introductions, WomensBasketball, Two Dudes Talk Movies Ep. How do you get people to trust you? Something that was cut, short before, was a donation that was supposed to collect school items, like markers, binders, pencils. Above all, I believe my most important job will be to listen to you those whom I am representing and serving Here are a few ideas I believe we can achieve together: 1. If you are still searching for more information and cant find it in one of our blogs/articles be sure to reach out to other parent council members via ourparent engagement forum. Your email address will not be published. I am going to go out on a limb and make a bold assumption that as Swarthmore students, we want not to be negated and fed generic answers. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for taking accurate notes (minutes) at all meetings and reporting those minutes to the council before, during or after the meetings. Heres her input: Its been almost 10 years since I was involved in student council. Submit a complete application according to the program guidelines. Better access and service: Have you ever felt like you couldnt approach a member of student council? Running for the campaign and preparing for it might be nerve-racking sometimes. I prefer crunchy peanut butter to creamy, Katherine over Audrey (Hepburn), and pencil to pen. You want to make sure that it is not another lost e-mail in someones inbox. Because networking is a huge part of college experience. COVID-19 has impacted everyones social life, so I want to make sure that all EIU students get to experience, live, and form a community of panthers. WebAn analytical and innovative third year MEng Mechanical Engineering student specialising in Automotive Engineering from the University of Southampton. Because if we know this, if we were to know the precise details of why our meals dont roll over, of why there are students on campus who cannot afford their books, etc., we will be able to understand the best way to promote, and request change. Thus far I have been an ardent member of the Student Affairs Committee, and would love to spread my fervor to student council. The success of a school council often rests with the partnership they form with the, Children are more successful in school when parents actively participate and show interest in their, Try these 5 tips and smart ideas to make your school council life easier We, For most parents, getting involved in the school parent group can be compared to sticking, What Roles and Responsibilities Make Up a Good School Council Secretary, What Roles and Responsibilities Make Up a Good School Council Treasurer, 5 Ways to Reduce Your School Council Stress, Desire to serve the students, the council, the school and the board, Understanding the role of the school council, Distribute draft minutes from previous meeting with agenda, Record minutes for all executive and council meetings, Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas and reports/materials distributed to members at meetings, Attend executive and council meetings and participate in discussions and voting, Determine with the executive committee or the council the frequency andmost effective method of communicating with members and the parentcommunity. If you hope to be class president someday, you can prove yourself in a smaller position and then run for bigger positions in future elections. Make sure to talk to the front office at your school and askhow to sign up to run for student government. Suzi Kutcher,a publicist at Ramsey Solutions and marketing all-star, loved her time during her tenure on student council. Deliver a great speech by writing a strong opener, memorizing your speech, and thoughtfully answering questions afterward. Studying a language in which a small line can change the meaning of a word has made me extremely thorough and focused. How will the school and student body benefit from your participation in student council? Admissions officers will interpret this as a sign that youre likely to make valuable contributions to their campus as well. Elections for sophomore, junior, senior, and school-wide student councils typically happen near the end of the school year before summer vacation. Ask questions; get answers. As a member of the council, I would promote more effective and easier means of outreach. Hopefully this article helps point you in the right direction. This will be a step to change EIUs environment into a safer yet free place for all the diverse communities. I will work for better food quality and longer hours so that you are not left starving at midnight when you have to write that paper. As a former Speaker, I understand the time, commitment, and dedication it takes to be an executive officer in this organization and I am excited to get to work with the rest of the Student Government, and the student body as a whole., Skylar Coffey, a graduate student studying political science. My greatest strength is I am no conformist, and am constantly compelled to pursue a solution or an answer to enigmas I encounter. I believe EIU needs a change on bigger scale. Also, comments containing personal attacks or threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Though the collection boxes were there, no one picked them up, and most of the boxes were empty. What I found was very boring hours of sitting in meetings talking about legislation and student election violations. Tell them about yourself and why you want to be part of student government. You could make an excellent treasurer. Occasionally (typically once or twice each school year), the grade-level student councils will hold an open meeting to allow their classmates to come and voice their concerns or suggest ideas. As Co-President of Ruach, I am responsible for providing strong leadership under which an entire organization can flourish. How to Join Your High School's Student Council. During my time at Swarthmore, I have had the opportunity to meet many of my peers and listen to their concerns regarding the direction of the college. The need for openness has also never been clearer to me as it is now that I am an RA and have had freshmen approach me with questions about appointments and other extracurricular issues. You could approach me in person or perhaps Ill overhear you in Sharples. I have decided to run as Appointments Chair, not only because I believe I can do a good job, but because I believe that I can use the job to expand student engagement. I like warm showers, kittens, Jane Austens novels, spicy food, living in MLL, roomy cars, bad puns, puppies, coffee, Linux, and the color blue. How do you join? Second, as Secretary, I will finally be able to put my perfectionism to good use! I want to make EIU a safe place, where we do not have any stigma about mental health issues. I would pursue this course, all the while maintaining and expanding the openness council has worked for this semester. For effective communication to occur I firmly believe that transparency has to be not a courtesy but an imperative. Talking to people and asking about their ideas will help build some trust. During my time as the Civic and Political Action Coordinator of SASS, I worked closely with the administration to put on a successful rally. However, there are some larger issues which council has been tackling that I would seriously look to solving in my two terms, such as the possible creation of a permanent sustainability committee. Better facilities: Have you ever not been content with the dismal lighting in McCabe or our meager gym facilities? Or just stop me to chat. There have been suggestions about creating more majors. Beyond dotting the is and crossing the ts of meeting minutes, I see the position of Student Council Secretary as a position of facilitation. Begging strangers for contributions has certainly strengthened my communication and interpersonal skills. Manage communications and related materials for the council including, but not limited to: Set up a filing system at the school and on your computer. Additionally, Ive listed the typical positions available on each council. You can mention both skills and experiences that indicate youd be a good fit. End with your name and campaign slogan (if you had one). I would like to become more involved in these changes in order to guarantee that students voices are always heard. Besides, Ive seen the rubber duckies lounging poolside in President Blooms basement spa! The administration has actually been thinking of doing something like this for a while, but I want to make sure it happens. I want to, even virtually, bring more events, more tools for our students, and more diversity. By 2011 I ended up being elected Student Body President of the largest high school in South Carolina (Wando High School) and was also elected (the first woman in over 10 years) as the State Student Council President which meant I planned the state conference that year at my high school. 2. So, I want to run for the Student Body President, this will give me the power required to implement all the changes needed. WebRunning for student council is a productive way to get involved at your school. WebGreen Giant FM. Of course, this experience can be nerve-wracking. As Vice President, Id like to translate some of those thoughts into action. Find new and fun ways to create unity as a university. Usually, each grade-level council has their own faculty adviser. I have experience, I am qualified, and I want your vote. Application Information and Deadline: Applications are due on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST (Washington D.C. time). After being rejected (yep, rejected) from the Freshman Student Gov program, I found myself in the very boring role of deputy chief of staff. If you like to lead and speak in front of others, being the student council president or vice president might suit you. Prepare a monthly financial report and present at each meeting. I am a great candidate for Student Events Advisor not only because I am passionate about providing and attending a plethora of entertaining on campus events, but also because I have the experience that would allow me to fulfill the duties of Student Events Advisor. The size of the posters doesnt matter, butthe quantity does. Typically, senior student governmentmembers have an obligation aftergraduating from high school:planning your high school reunions. I would like to organize more opportunities to meet with Student Council members in a more informal setting than Student Council meetings. If youre on a grade-level council, youll likely have meetings both with your grade-level council and the school-wide council. As a campus tour guide, I know the facts and the figures of Swarthmore. Those positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Secretary and Social Convenor. My skills and experiences that indicate youd be a step to change EIUs environment into a safer yet place. Processes, structures and policies are as they are a member of student government valuable! Think about the impression youre making in class spring, or at least shed some light on the student student! Be aware that there are potential drawbacks to joining student council a safer yet free place all. Stranger to active participation at Swarthmore of college experience, memorizing your speech, and answering! Am constantly compelled to pursue a solution or an answer to enigmas encounter! 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platforms for student council secretary